Uttar Pradesh Sugar production in season 2020–21 estimated at 123.06 lakh tonnes
According to the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), sugar production in India for the sugar season of 2020–21 has been estimated at 320.13 lakh tonnes. This is assuming normal rainfall and other optimum conditions during the remaining period. After accounting for the reduction in sugar production due to diversion of cane juice and B-molasses to ethanol, ISMA estimates sugar production in 2020–21 at around 305 lakh tonnes.
As per ISMA, Uttar Pradesh is estimated to have sugarcane area at 22.92 lakh hectares, as against 23.21 lakh ha. in 2019–20 SS, i.e. a marginal decrease by about 1 per cent. It is expecting a marginal increase in yield as well as sugar recovery in 2020–21 SS, owing to good overall standing crop condition and continued replacement of cane variety by high yielding and high sugared cane varieties in more areas. Thus, sugar production in Uttar Pradesh in 2020–21 SS is estimated to be around 123.06 lakh tonnes, which will be about 126.45 lakh tonnes (after diversion into ethanol) in the current 2019–20 SS. It is noteworthy that current year’s sugar production of the State turned out to be about 5 -6 lakh tonnes more, mainly because of much better yields as also cane diversion from Gur / Khandsari manufacturing units to sugar units, owing to premature closure of their operations due to lockdown.
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Originally published at https://www.chinimandi.com on June 26, 2020.