Government extends MIEQ time for sugar exports by 3 months
The sugar industry is facing an unprecedented crisis ostensibly due to a problem of plenty and has increased the woes of the stakeholders. The sale of sugar in the domestic market has not been up to the mark due to which the sale of sugar has almost slowed down.
Mill-wise, Minimum Indicative Export Quotas (MIEQ) for sugar season 2018–19 was allocated vide DFPD’s order dated 28.9.2018. Today, The Department of Food & Public Distribution has permitted mills which had partially exported their MIEQ Quota of 2018–19 sugar season till 30.09.2019 to export balance quantity of their MIEQ of 2018–19 sugar season by 31.12.2019, over and above Maximum Admissible Export Quantity (MAEQ) allocated for 2019–20 sugar season.
Click here to view the notification
Originally published at on November 11, 2019.